In addition to Pornhub's library of free-to-stream clips, Pornhub Premium subscribers get ad-free access to the site's catalogue of premium, full-length HD video and VR content. And, like last year, this deal is exclusive to Black Friday, so you won't be able to buy a LifePlan after this weekend.Ĭlick here for Turned On, CNET's coverage of the intersection of tech and sex.
That's even better than last year's Black Friday offer, when the company first introduced its 'LifePlan' subscriptions at an asking price of $299. It's a deal direct from the adult video streaming service Pornhub, which promises to liven up 2020 (and beyond) with lifetime subscriptions to Pornhub Premium starting at $200. This story is part of Gift Guide, our year-round collection of the best gift ideas.īlack Friday's a great time to score a good deal on just about anything if you know where to look - and right now, one of the top deals of the season isn't available at Amazon, Walmart or Best Buy.